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NonStop Tracking is the app perfect to complement the organization of your event.  It offers the possibility of monitoring the test online, thus achieving greater dissemination, as well as improving its security.



GPS tracking

Our GPS tracking application allows you to view, on a map, the entire course of the race, knowing, at all times, the position of each participant, providing real-time classifications and other interesting information to analyze the race.

An element that will give greater security to the test and that will also allow it to be followed at all times.

The public, attendees and press will also be able to see the progress of the test from different locations of the race, being able to reach refreshment stations, intermediate points, provide assistance...

The system allows you to make a comparison between the desired number of runners/teams. As well as replaying the race at all times.

Personalized space on the NonStop Tracking website

Each event may have a web space in which a series of information related to the event can be published; such as information about teams or runners, links to social networks, messaging service...


Our devices have an "SOS" button so that all participants in your event can use it in case of emergency.

If this button is pressed, an SOS SMS will be sent directly to the organization's phone, including its latitude and longitude and a link to its position on a map. This message can be sent to up to 3 different phones.


In addition to the online tracking application, NonStop Tracking offers the timing service through the leading adventure testing system SPORTident. This system will allow you to have results at the moment with all the intermediate points desired.

NonStop Timing



Discover the advantages that NonStop Tracking offers.Real-time information on the status of the race, specific statistics per checkpoint, statistics for each participantnte… and much more!

Our tracking module will help you create a good image in the public. You will have tools that offer real-time information about your test and help you better position your event.

Organization team, spectators and even participants, everyone will benefit from our GPS tracking for your event.


Get ahead of the needs of your event

With the estimates of participant arrivals you will be able to open or close refreshment stations, as well as manage supplies for these points. Also, you can share the location of a supply station to redirect the necessary volunteers.

Having the organization's vehicles located, you will be able to analyze how to locate these vehicles along the route.

Organizing a sporting event is a task that requires time and effort from all members involved. Coordinating it efficiently is something that comes with experience and, sometimes, there are some things that we miss. For this reason, our platform will allow you to make decisions more quickly and you will have total control over it.

All the information in your hand

You can access from your mobile phone to know the position of each of the participants and/or teams in the organization.

The response to any incident may be instantaneous, shortening decision-making time and optimizing the resources at your disposal.

Generate more cocontent

Keep your participants and your audience updated with the latest information about the race.

Customize the official event page with our tracking map, information about previous editions...

Add major social networks to your tracker, photo and video galleries, and career-specific news from the authoritative press.

Event sponsors area

In the map view you can add logos of sponsors and collaborating institutions. They will be in rotation and you can assign them a specific weight based on their importance. Add a short description about them and link to their website.

Give more visibility to your sponsors during the race!

Post-hoc analysis

To complete the experience for the public and participants, you will be able to reproduce the race after finishing: analyze the track of other participants, study the strategy of the different teams and compare the route taken by different teams or participants synchronizing the times.

NonStop Timing

NonStop Timing

TEL:  +34 619535571

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© 2025 by NonStop Aventura

Basque Country (+34619535571)

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Cycling Tours / Carreras de Aventura / Live Tracking Timing / Material deportivo

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